
Semi Truck Carrying US Mail Plunges off Bridge into River

Video was just released of a semi truck careening off of a highway bridge into the icy Charles River in Weston, Massachusetts.

The crazy accident happened last week as the big rig burst through a highway barrier and plunged into the river below. Miraculously, the driver survived. He was taken to the hospital as a precaution, but was mostly unharmed.

It is unclear what caused the accident, but speculation is that the highway above may have been covered in ice. Unfortunately the semi truck was carrying U.S. mail. According to the news report, multiple packages had to be recovered from the water. As far as the driver goes, police say after the truck landed he climbed on top of the semi and waited for help.

Obviously the end result could have been much worse. Between the collision, fall, landing, and freezing cold water we're just glad that no one was seriously injured.

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