Duck Gets Absolutely Launched After Sitting on High Pressure Fountain
Andrew Cunningham Published 07/08/2022
Zoos, amusement parks, and water parks can be interesting places (aside from all the rides and attractions obviously) due to the fact that actual wild animals usually of the flying variety, can get into the park by simply flying over fences and gates designed to keep us humans and non-flying creatures out. If you have ever been to the outdoor food court area of a mall, theme park, zoo, or venue, you have almost undoubtedly seen how they flock en masse to areas with food.
In this video from Instagram, we watch as a duck gets yeeted into the stratosphere after sitting in the worst location. This poor fella had no idea he was just seconds away from being one of the first water fowls to experience the g forces of a rocket launch. There he was, just minding his own business, chilling in the shallow water of a water coaster ride, and suddenly he is being propelled towards the heavens by a blast of water from the fountain head he was sitting on.
In this video from Instagram, we watch as a duck gets yeeted into the stratosphere after sitting in the worst location. This poor fella had no idea he was just seconds away from being one of the first water fowls to experience the g forces of a rocket launch. There he was, just minding his own business, chilling in the shallow water of a water coaster ride, and suddenly he is being propelled towards the heavens by a blast of water from the fountain head he was sitting on.