
Ugandan Parliament Breaks Out in All-Out Brawl

If you think our politics are unhinged, all you need to do is look around the globe.

In America, it’s easy to think that we have some of the craziest politics in the world. We had a game-show host as president, only to have him be replaced by a man who has no idea who or where he is — only to have him be replaced by the *same* game-show host, this time with a felony conviction under his belt. Cool country!

But of course, we’re not the only ones with head-scratching politics. We’ve already talked about the massive fires that the opposition in Albania set off in Parliament not too long ago, and now, we have a whole new dispute setting the internet alight.

After one MP expressed concern that people had entered the building with guns (a reasonable concern, IMO), he went to return to his seat, only to find someone had taken it. What resulted was a shoving match that became a now-viral brawl.

Categories: Wtf
Tags: wow wtf fight fail

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