
UAP 'Whistleblower' Shares Video of Alleged Alien Body and Craft

Do we believe him?

In October 2024, a former U.S. Air Force mechanic and Special Operations member named Jacob Barber began claiming that he was involved in classified UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena) recovery programs. According to NewsNation, Barber claims to have worked with alien spacecraft during covert missions and witnessed phenomena that defy our current technological understanding.

One of the more interesting details about his story is his description of recoveries of exotic craft, including a metallic “white egg” that had no engine or heat signature—something he claims to have gotten on video. While there are plenty of other interesting claims made by him, including the use of a “psionics” team who purport to have psychic abilities used to summon or communicate with UAPs, this is the one for which he provided visual evidence.

So, here’s the full report, and here’s a section with just the video. What do we think? Because personally, I can think of a lot of other explanations for this video that aren’t “alien craft.”


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