
Two Massive Yachts Crashed Into Each Other

Add it to the list of “crimes for which I have zero sympathy.”

Superyachts are expensive. Think your new car cost you a pretty penny? Well, according to Forbes, “on average, a 100-meter superyacht with a top speed of 25 knots and 50 crew members should cost around $275 million. Considering the 30 largest superyachts are all longer than 100 meters, they can often cost significantly more.”

That’s why I don’t feel a hint of anguish when something bad happens to one of these boats — and boy, did something bad happen recently!

According to, two giant yachts were meandering along when one plowed into the other, significantly damaging the stern in the process. Allegedly, this was caused by a sudden change of winds, and the article takes great pains to mention that no family was on board, only the crew, because fuck them, amirite? (heavy sarcasm).

Thankfully, it seems that the crew were okay, and don’t cry for the boat — the owners of these things can pay for the repairs with their pocket change. 


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