
'Try That in Texas': Kids are Walking Into Random People's Houses for TikTok Clout

"They’d be picking up their teeth and AirPods with broken fingers." 

That's what @LiveFight had to say about the British influencer secretmizzy's latest viral prank video. On his since-deleted TikTok channel, the teenager filmed himself walking into a random person's house in London and relaxing on his furniture. The man, whose name is James, reacted quickly and angrily to protect his young children who were present in the home. 

Multiple viewers were quick to point out that this prank could have gone down much differently. 

"Instantly knew this had to be the UK," @Murderstorm117 said. "Try that in America and see what happens."

Mizzy is not the only TikToker who has walked into random houses for views, but he has certainly faced the biggest public backlash for it. It is unknown if the video is real or staged, but the video concept itself is deeply problematic and criminal either way. Mizzy is lucky his TikTok account was the video's only casualty, especially considering the recent trend of internet pranksters getting what's coming to them.

"Try that in Texas," @joegartrell warned.

Categories: Wtf Facepalm Fail

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