
Trump's Newest Birthday Ad Is a Low-Budget Masterpiece

A group of folks in Florida known as The Yachting Lifestyle created a commercial for an event they have coming up to celebrate Trump's birthday. Trump loved the video so much it's now his pinned Tweet at the top of his Twitter account.

The event is a gathering of people in their boats, but the commercial makes it look like the most epic event of the millennium.

With plenty of cheesy iMovie effects like the star wipe and heart wipe, plus a drunk guy who painted himself green to dance around on the front of a boat dressed like the Statue of Liberty, this video really shows the best America has to offer.

The best part is near the end when the video lists all the places where people will be driving their boats, and because there's only a handful of places, they're presented simply as "many locations."

Honestly, I just wanna party with the green dude. He looks like he's living it up.

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