
Trump Shooter Claimed in a Video That He Had a 10-Inch Dong

We may never know who the Trump shooter really was. He was a registered Republican but donated to a Democratic PAC. He was 20 years old, but appeared to leave no real trace on social media. His family had money, he seems to have been treated okay in school (depending on who you ask), and overall, every stone overturned in the narrative of his life reveals a stunningly middle-of-the-road existence — not one traumatic enough to inspire a person to try to kill a former president.

Now, we can add another confusing detail to his story: his massive Johnson. In a video uncovered by TMZ, the shooter claims to be 6-foot-4, attending Stanford University and the proud owner of a 10-inch cock.

As the first two points seem to be a lie, it’s more than likely this was a joke — but you never know.

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