
Trump Says He Knows What the New Jersey Drones Are, But Won’t Say

C’mon, can’t you just give us a hint?

Over the past few weeks, there’s been ferocious debate about the source of the drones that have been spotted over New Jersey and surrounding states. Of course, many of these “drones” have turned out to be normal civilian aircraft, but there are a few sightings here and there that are still provoking questions.

Unfortunately, the government has done a piss poor job trying to calm people down about this issue. They’ve put out statements basically calling the people of New Jersey stupid, and while there’s supposed to be a meeting on the issue today, for the most part, Average Joes like ourselves have been left in the dark.

Former (and future) President Trump doesn’t seem too concerned about it, though. When asked for his thoughts on the drones, he simply laughed and said that the government and the military know what’s going on.

Well, seeing as you’re going to be part of the government again soon, could you maybe give us some insight here? Secret secrets are no fun, Donald!


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