
Trump Says He Can’t Go to the Site of the American Airlines Plane Crash Because It’s Underwater

I mean…he’s not wrong, exactly.

On the evening of January 29th, a passenger jet collided with a military helicopter near Washington, D.C. What resulted was an explosive crash that left zero survivors—a devastating event that has left the country scared and confused about what this means and what will happen next.

In times like these, many Americans look to their political leaders for guidance. One reporter tried to set Trump up to be this compass in the storm, and while he did say he was going to visit the site, he had to clarify that he was going to be more “near” the site than where the crash actually occurred.

Why? Well, it’s because the site is technically in the water, and in his words, “You want me to go swimming?”

Categories: Facepalm News Politics

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