
Trump Posts A.I. Video of Him and Elon Musk Dancing to X

It’s been a weird week on everyone’s favorite “everything app,” X. Just a few days ago, X owner Elon Musk and former Twitter master (and President) Donald Trump took to X’s Spaces platform to, when the site wasn’t crashing, have a conversation.

The conversation itself was boring, barring the occasional slush-mouth Trump had while speaking. What was more entertaining was Trump’s return to the platform after a long sojourn on his own social media app, Truth Social. After months of depriving the public of phrases like “washed up psycho Bette Midler,” he’s returned Twitter, er, X to post ads for his campaign — and, for some reason, this A.I.-generated video of himself and Musk dancing, assisted by an original video that can be found here.

Is this video going to win him Michigan? We’ll have to wait until November to see.


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