
Your Mom's Shipment of Dildos Just Spilled Out Onto I-40

There has been quite the trend recently of trucks crashing and hilariously spilling their contents across the highway, but this most recent incident is perhaps the most pleasure stimulating of them all. This I-40 accident resulted in thousands of your mom's favorite dildos strewn across the highway, much to the obvious dismay of the on scene reporter, and oblivion of the anchors.

While the news anchor presses the reporter about the contents of the boxes out on highway, she's hit with a glorious pause long enough to convey the discomfort of her reporter. He eventually settles on the obviously untrue retort that he can't tell, but maybe she can. What are you implying dude? In the end he tries to change the subject by reporting that the driver is fortunately uninjured, but nothing can make us forget that glorious moment of live TV awkwardness as the camera zooms in on a whole truckload of dildos.

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