
Trucker Jackknifes His Trailer in an Attempt to Reach A Bag of Cheetos

One trucker proved the integral importance of front-seat snack providers, nearly totaling his truck in pursuit of an on-the-go lunch.

This crucial lesson on snacking while driving began after the 58-year-old truck driver decided to reach back for a snack while en route to the Southern Russian city of Achinsk in July 2022, according to dashcam footage initially obtained by Newsflare.

It's unclear what tempting treat sat behind the truck’s curtain divider  — though it appears to have been a bag of Cheetos – whatever it was, he wanted it badly, so much so that he nearly lost control of his vehicle while attempting to bring it up front.

His truck now veering on the shoulder of the largely empty road, he tried to steer his car back forward, an effort that ultimately proved futile. Moments later, the car rolled over, sending him — and the contents of his truck, flying.

We can only hope the driver — and his prized snack — survived the ordeal. Whatever it was, we sure hope it was quite literally to die for. 


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