
Travis Scott Is Asked Whether Astroworld Was A Satanic Ritual Or Not

After ten people died at Travis Scott's Astroworld festival last month, the singer has been hit with over 1 billion dollars in lawsuits and damages.

And for the first time since the event, Scott has sat down to have an interview with The Breakfast Club's Charlemagne Tha God.

The entire interview is 50 minutes long, and if you want to see the highlight, just scroll down.

In the aftermath of the festival, Scott offered to pay the funeral costs of those who died but had been turned down by multiple families. In addition to trying to pay for funeral costs, Scott has offered a free month of counseling through the app BetterHelp, which alone rubbed many people the wrong way, as they saw it as an odd time to promote a product, even one that might be necessary.

While this is his first official sitdown after the event, it isn't the first video he's posted for his fans. The last one, his apology video became a meme, because people didn't believe he was being sincere.

So what, do you think he means it this time?


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