
Trapped Climbers Rescued From the Top of a Mountain

Climbing is all fun and games until it isn't. 

On Saturday, a group of climbers attempting to scale Italy's Monte Mondolè discovered this fact the hard way, finding themselves at the center of a rescue mission from the European nation’s Monte Mondolè, an elaborate ordeal of near Mission Impossible proportions.

After yeeting themselves from a helicopter, the rescuers used their handy ice picks to go down to the gulley where the climbers were trapped. Luckily all of the climbers were rescued from the 2,300-meter-high peak without suffering any significant injuries.

We can only hope these guys learned a long, hard lesson about messing around on mountains — the Alps are not the green hills depicted in The Sound of Music. Maria von Trapp did not mean you should literally climb every mountain. 

Categories: Ftw

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