
Texting Tram Operator Crashes Into Another Train While On Her Phone

According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, "Driving while texting is six times more dangerous than driving drunk." It stands to reason then, that driving while scrolling social media is even worse. 

That's what this Rokosovsky Avenue Moscow driver was doing when her tram rear-ended a different train stopped at a station. You'd think traveling on pre-determined tracks would make driving easier, but apparently, it just makes it easier to slack off. 

"She didn't even swerve," one person joked. "That's because she's lost the steering wheel," someone else quipped. Security cam footage caught the driver's mistake in 4k, and it's unlikely she escaped the consequences. However, some viewers speculated that the 2nd train was on the wrong track. "How did someone allow an opposing train on the same tracks?" one person asked. "Likely a system's failure." Fortunately, while 5 passengers were reported injured, there were no fatalities. Who knew don't text and drive extended to trains? 

Categories: Wtf Wow Sports> Extreme Fail

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