
Traffic Stop Uncovers $6 Million Dollars worth of Fentanyl Hidden in Spare Tire

Drugs are one of those things that police and law enforcement officials are constantly battling against. Even with some of the harshest sentencing for drug-related crimes, some people are still willing to take the risk and sell, smuggle, and distribute them. In Arkansas, State Police Trooper Chris Goodman conducted a traffic stop in Russellville, when he observed a silver Hyundai Santa Fe driving on and then crossing the center-line divider of Interstate 40. Heriberto Felix Ruiz was the front seat passenger, and having rented the car two days earlier in California his name was on the car's rental agreement. When the driver of the car and Ruiz gave conflicting stories to Trooper Goodman, he responded by asking for permission to search their vehicle. This conversation happened in Spanish, and Ruiz consented to the search.

Trooper Goodman ultimately found six packages wrapped in duct tape and hidden in the vehicle’s spare tire‚ which he had noticed was a 15-inch tire despite the vehicle requiring 17-inch tires. The packages turned out to contain more than 15 pounds of fentanyl, which had a street value of more than $6 million dollars.

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