
Oblivious Fan Causes Crash During Tour De France, Rider Fractures His Neck

On the 5th stage of the Tour De France bicycle race, a fan leaned in to film the racers on their phone at the same moment Italian cyclist Daniel Oss was passing by. Footage from Twitter shows the famous cyclist on the route between Lille and Arenberg crashing into the person and multiple people falling to the ground.

Oss recovered and finished this portion of the race, however, a later medical check revealed that Oss had fractured a bone in his neck and would not be allowed to continue the race to the end.

His team, TotalEnergies, tweeted, "Daniel Oss is therefore forced to leave the Tour de France The whole team wishes you a good recovery Daniel Additional examinations revealed a fracture of a cervical vertebra requiring immobilization for a few weeks."

Oss was one of three racers who was injured during the 5th section of the race. Michael Gogl was the other rider caught in the crash with Oss, suffering a broken collar bone. Jack Haig is the third rider who suffered injuries that were unrelated to the crash.


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