
Quick-Thinking Umpire Saves Little League Catcher From Surprise Twister

There is nobody at a little league game more universally hated by players, parents, and coaches alike than the umpire. But after this umpire saved a catcher from a surprise dust twister ready to beam the little leaguer up to the U.S.S. Enterprise, he better not have heard any protest on calls for the rest of the day.

Everything seemed normal during this Ed Austin Regional Park U7 game in Ponte Vedra, FL. But after a foul tip, gusts of wind quickly flared up around home plate. With the batter stepping out of the way, the catcher was left stuck in a surprise dust twister, before being pulled to safety by the umpire. 

"Cedric gotta stop teaching these pitches man," MrFreckle commented on TikTok, alluding to the Harry Potter wizard. 

"That’s the banned tornado pitch," Jack Clifford joked. 

They say that pitchers shouldn't throw a curve ball until age 13, but they never mentioned twisters. Somebody check his hands for the sticky stuff. 

Categories: Ftw Wow Sports

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