
'Top Gun' BTS Video Proves Tom Cruise Is Still a Bada**

I was hesitant to see the new 'Top Gun', but not after watching what the cast and crew went through.

In a new behind the scenes clip, Tom Cruise guides us through the process of making a sequel that will be worthy and actually live up to the first 'Top Gun', as well as the rigorous training that the actors went through in preparation.

Cruise and his cast-mates all attended Navy basic training as well as flight courses to get used to filming in the cockpit of an actual hornet. This included but was not limited to an intense underwater ejection simulation.

Cruise then put together his own crash course on cinematography, as the actors would basically be directing themselves once inside the hornets. Needless to say, I didn't realize any of this actually happened, and I have so much more respect for the cast and crew after seeing this video.

It made me want to see the movie even more than the official trailer, and that's saying something.

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