
Guy Unknowingly Captures His Last Ride on GoPro Before Being Paralyzed After the Crash

While riding at Whistler Bike Park on August 18th, 2021, it seemed like a normal day for Tony, and his buddies Matt and Jake. The trio had just eaten lunch at Longhorn, and this was their first lap after lunch. They decided to hit the Freight Train trail, but Tony went over the bars before even reaching the Container.

He was immediately airlifted to VGH, and underwent emergency surgery on his badly fractured spine. Tony's neck was broken at C2, his back at T4, rendering him a paraplegic for the rest of his life. He also broke all of his ribs, scapula, and sternum from the GoPro mount.

Tony was quoted as saying:

"I have no regrets- I was having an awesome run right up to the crash and I would do it all over again. Special thanks to my friends Jake Denison and Matt Bush for calling Whistler Bike Patrol swiftly and saving my life that day. I love you boys. I hope to get out on a Bowhead Reach one day and ride some park with the boys again."

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