Tony Hawk Lands First Kickflip Since Breaking His Femur
zachnading Published 10/12/2022
The pro skater broke his femur early this year, and this is his first attempt at doing a kickflip since his injury.
Legendary skater Tony Hawk is back up on the board. In March of this year Hawk had posted to his Instagram page stating that he broke his femur bone. The x-rays showed two massive screws put into his thigh and a third smaller screw for support.
Fast-forward 7 months and Hawk has done the remarkable. Not only does he ollie in the video, but after dozens of tries, he finally lands a kickflip. I don't care if you're a beginner or a professional, there's no better feeling than landing a kickflip, especially after breaking your femur. Congrats, Tony. Keep on keeping on.
Legendary skater Tony Hawk is back up on the board. In March of this year Hawk had posted to his Instagram page stating that he broke his femur bone. The x-rays showed two massive screws put into his thigh and a third smaller screw for support.
Fast-forward 7 months and Hawk has done the remarkable. Not only does he ollie in the video, but after dozens of tries, he finally lands a kickflip. I don't care if you're a beginner or a professional, there's no better feeling than landing a kickflip, especially after breaking your femur. Congrats, Tony. Keep on keeping on.