Wholesome Video Shows Tom Green Playing Hockey with His Dog, Living His Best Life
zachnading Published 01/06/2022
We're always here for wholesome content. But even more so when it involves one of our favorite humans of all time, Tom Green.
When he's not producing films or working on 'The Tom Green Podcast', the eclectic actor is living the good life on his farm in Canada.
Green - with his dog Charley close by his side - posts videos regularly on his Instagram account and YouTube page. Sometimes it's the little things in life that make us the happiest.
Safe to say that if I could spend a day playing pond hockey with Tom Green and his pupper, I'd be totally Zen. Enjoy the clip. It's like a TV yule log, but for dudes who quote 'Road Trip' all day.
When he's not producing films or working on 'The Tom Green Podcast', the eclectic actor is living the good life on his farm in Canada.
Green - with his dog Charley close by his side - posts videos regularly on his Instagram account and YouTube page. Sometimes it's the little things in life that make us the happiest.
Safe to say that if I could spend a day playing pond hockey with Tom Green and his pupper, I'd be totally Zen. Enjoy the clip. It's like a TV yule log, but for dudes who quote 'Road Trip' all day.
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