
TikToker's Music Video Interrupted by His Angry Mom

TooTurntTony is a popular social media star, but his mom couldn't care less.

A native of Michigan, @TooTurntTony (real name Anthony, which his mom angrily yells out in the video) is a former model whose weird and funny TikTok videos turned him into a viral star. He's particularly well-known for his skits featuring a pet duck, and his girlfriend/assistant has actually become famous in her own right as the sexy and mysterious "Ski Mask Girl." The pink port-a-potty seen in this video also makes a regular appearance in his posts.

Althought Tony's family has appeared in some of his videos, this one definitely feels like a genuine outtake. He makes a grand entrance from the aforementioned port-a-potty and starts doing his dance/rap before he's interrupted by his screaming mom who wishes he'd record these videos at his own damn house and stop treating "the s--tter like a playground."

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