
TikToker Pranks Parents By Swapping Fridge With Paid Vending Machine

Earlier this month TikTok prankster Corbin Millet went where only bad break room managers have before –  swapping his parent's refrigerator with a function vending machine in a spectacular TikTok prank.

“Replacing my parent's refrigerator with a vending machine,” he commenced the clip atop footage of him ripping out the appliance for a lunchroom staple.

Despite enthralling more than 4.3 million TikTok users who liked the video, Millet’s dad was less-than-enthused by the prospect of paying for his groceries a second time.

“Get down here now!” he screamed upon discovering his newest home decor,  Millet’s face aglow with a sense of glee only derived from intentionally infuriating middle-aged men. “A vending machine? Where the hell is my refrigerator.”

Though it’s unclear where exactly Millet acquired the machine and what he did with their original appliance, one thing is certain – let’s hope his dad is long on spare change. 

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