
TikToker is the Usain Bolt of High Heels

Walking in high heels is hard. Don't take it from me, take it from the countless tragic photos of models falling on the runway. But for TikTok comedian Stormigee, walking isn't enough. Instead, she sprints around at speeds you never knew possible in platforms and heels. Stormigee is the Usain Bolt of high heels.

Specializing in dark and edgy humor, Stormigee heavily incorporates her special skill into her skits. Featuring characters like Whora, (instead of Dora the explorer), and "have you seen this person?" the frantic nature of her skits is perfectly coupled with her elevated movement.

"Not you running faster in heels than me running in sneakers," one fan comments. "Those heels are in overdrive!" Stormigee's confidence in her talent is admirable. "Put my heels in high speed whenever I see a guy on the street," she says.

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