
TikTok Troll Messes With The Wrong Dude and Ends Up On the Ground

A note to the dipsh*ts out there, not everyone has the patience to deal with your bullshit. And this TikTok prankster learned this lesson the hard way. What starts as a typical prank video ends in a display of pure "you get what you ask for."

This little moron thought he'd walk up behind this man shopping in HomeDepot and yell into his ear with a pipe. What he didn't realize was he wasn't messing with some punk. It takes him exactly 1 second to realize he had poked the wrong beast.

You can hear his screams as he picked up and slammed into the ground before being put into a chokehold.

And the true icing on the cake is you can hear him whimper as he's held down that it was "just a prank." And that's what we call *chefs kiss* a great viral video. 10/10

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