
How to Use Your PTO Days to Maximize Vacation Time

Everybody loves taking vacations. Of course they do. But here in the United States, where the vast majority of workers receive far and away fewer vacation days than their first world counterparts, people have to get creative. That's why this TikTok decided to share a tweet that figured out the best days to use your PTO so that you can maximize your consecutive days off. Don't get it twisted, this doesn't add any vacation days that you don't already have, but when you do decide to take that long vacation, you might want to check out some of these dates.

This list is all about finding holidays that are close enough together that you can bridge the gap between them with your days off, and some convenient weekends. So the next time work starts piling up and you just can't take it anymore, see if you can't put together a gloriously efficient holiday with vacation days left to spare.

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