
Ghost Hunter Claims to Have Caught the Spirit Haunting His House on Camera

A Redditor who had been complaining of hearing rustling noises in his apartment at night, set up a camera in hopes of catching a non-human entity haunting his home, and to his surprise, he may have done it. 

Fellow Reddit users began trying to decipher the picture for any ghostly clues, most of them agreeing that a figure could be seen lurking in his kitchen, though it wasn't until someone shared a brightened image of the picture captured, that the figure appeared. 

Many people agreed that the figure looked like Keanu Reeves, who has been alleged to be a vampire, however, the figure captured is much taller than Reeves. 

In a follow-up post, OP shared a video he took of his kitchen at night, where a figure clearly obscures a light in his kitchen. Though if it really were a ghost, wouldn't they be translucent, or is that just a myth?

Whatever the truth may be, this dude needs to start charging this ghost rent, the price of food is too much to be letting someone eat your shredded cheese in the middle of the night. 


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