
'The Last Chairbender' Speaks Out after Being Reprimanded By Waffle House

Halie, the Waffle House employee who went viral for her fighting skils, has told her side of the story.

She states that the fight started after she tried to find the owner of a lost wallet. A plate was thrown in her direction, followed by a chair, which she blocked, gaining the respect of the internet.

Halie has been immortalized with memes and nicknames as people have dubbed her 'Waffle House Wendy', 'Waffle House Avenger', and 'The Last Chairbender'. People have also begun making art of her, and they've even edited her viral fight to include John Cena as the provocateur.

But according to Halie, Waffle House was less than happy with her performance, and allegedly "reprimanded her for throwing a sugar shaker at one of the customers," according to Dexerto. Though Halie has not been fired, she is in hot water with her employer of the last four years.


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