
Threesome On Carnival Cruise Leads to 60 Person Brawl

An alleged threesome turned this Carnival cruise into a royal rumble, featuring a brawl that lasted an hour, spanned the ship, and involved around 60 people.

Apparently the incident began around two in the morning in the ship's dance club and casino, when allegations of cheating spiraled out of control, resulting in a fight that would result in smashed bottles and bruised egos.

While the ship's security did a good job to disperse the brawl, it continued in an on and off fashion for an hour, and traversed the ship from the fifth floor all the way to the first. Ultimately the coast guard was called, and the ship was escorted back to shore in Manhattan where it was met by the the New York City police.

Cruises are stereotypically both trashy and frivolous, and this group seems to have combined both qualities into a perfect storm. We had no plans of going on a cruise any time soon, but you can bet that this incident pushed any inkling of a desire even farther into the future.


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