
Three Dudes Have Their Garage Door Stolen by a Windstorm

If you’re in the middle of a storm, it’s generally best practice to find a safe, comfortable spot in which you can wait out the worst of it.

However, that’s much easier said than done. One might think that, in the middle of a tornado, they’d be more than happy to sit in the basement until it’s all over — that is, until they see every window on the top floor of their house get ripped off. While they may know in their heart that there was no way to stop it, they still might kick themselves knowing that they could have spent the past few hours bolting everything down rather than playing their Switch by candlelight.

These boys learned why you should just resign yourself to the fact that things aren’t going to go well. During a recent typhoon in China, they tried their darndest to hold onto their garage door to prevent the winds from taking it.

Needless to say, it didn’t work.

Categories: Wtf Animals & Nature
Tags: typhoon wow ftw

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