
‘Three Bags Went Over the Rail’: Behold The Worst Airplane Bag Loaders of All Time

The next time you want to treat yourself to a nice set of luggage, remember that the baggage handlers at the airport are gonna throw it around all the same — no matter its price tag.

Case in point: These two Qantas bag handlers, who were filmed tossing, spiking and toying with passengers’ luggage at the Melbourne airport. Multiple bags even fell off the side of the conveyor belt into oblivion. “The fact we PAY to check our bags is insane,” one TikToker commented.

ABC News (Australia) reported on the viral video, with an official stating, “Both individuals will never touch a Qantas aircraft again.”

In fairness, Qantas doesn’t employ its own baggage handlers, but instead outsources the work to a company called Swissport. “Disrespectful behavior … will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action,” Swissport’s CEO Brad Moore vowed.

Just like happiness, it’s impossible to buy luggage that won’t have the crap beaten out of it at the airport.

Categories: Wtf Wow Cringe

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