This Village in Portugal Lets Kids Smoke Cigarettes One Day a Year
Some places have beautiful traditions. This place wants to get your kids hooked on cigs. Over in Portugal, there’s a town called Vale de Salgueiro. As part of their Festa dos Reis, people play music, launch fireworks, and dance before cracking open a pack of Marlboros and handing off the cigarettes to the local children. Apparently, this tradition dates back a couple of generations, and children are only allowed to smoke as part of the festival, but it’s still a bit shocking to see a kid getting the party started with an American Spirit in his mittens.
Na Aldeia de Vale de Salgueiro (Mirandela), a Festa dos Reis, além de música, dança e fogo de artifício, ficou conhecida pela tradição, datada dos inícios do século XX, que leva crianças a descer à rua para comprar cigarros ou recebê-los dos pais.
— Portugal Rural (@RuralPortugal) January 6, 2024
[️ Euronews]#PortugalRural