
This Very Bald Man Has the Most Impressive Comb-Over of All Time

Why hide your receding hairline with a toupee or a closetful of baseball hats when you can make a DIY rug with your own diminishing hair?

Why hide your receding hairline with a toupee or a closetful of baseball hats when you can make a DIY rug with your own diminishing hair?

This strategy of throwing everything at a very bald scalp and seeing what sticks (non-toupee edition) helped a 25-year-old Rio de Janeiro man convincingly transform from “middle-aged dad” to “Gen Z teen,” a ruse so elaborate, he nearly fooled his barber, grooming influencer Francisco Oliveira.

“Today I see that you have a lot of hair, but you’re doing some[thing] to cover it up,” Oliveira told his client in the now-viral clip.

“It’s all a trick,” the balding guy replied in Portuguese, beginning the process of unpinning his elaborate comb-over. One clip and a little tousle later, his seemingly long locks had been parted to reveal a barren skull sandwiched between two massive sideburns.

“It’s pretty bald, very bald,” he added, the long sides of his hair falling by his shoulders.

Oliveira was ultimately able to fine-tune this all-natural toupee, leaving his client looking like the long lost Dolan triplet. But it was all, of course, just an illusion — the ultimate act of hair-esy.

Categories: Wtf People & Lifestyle

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