
Twitter Reacts to 'Inappropriate" Butt Tap at the U.S Open

Sara Bejlek, a 16-year-old from Czechia has just defeated Heather Watson of the UK and ran over to the sideline to share a hug with her father and head coach, Jaroslav Bejlek. The two hug and he gives her a loving pat on the butt. Or at least "loving' to some people's interpretation.

But many people online, mostly in the Twitter-verse did not see it as loving, but rather creepy and predatory. Because why else would a father raise and train his daughter to be a world-class tennis player for any other reason besides to grope her on live television?

So what if he may have given her a few extra pats on the bum. But she had just won her match and he was probably excited for her. Some of ya'll need to get hobbies and stop hating online because it's not a good look on you.
Categories: Wow

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