
This Stressed-Out Amazon Driver Threw All of Her Packages into the Woods Instead of Delivering Them

If your Christmas was ruined by a missing package, you might want to check your nearby forest.

That’s because, according to the Lakeville Police Department in Massachusetts, one Amazon driver got stressed, drove to the woods and dumped 80 packages into the snow.

“Upon further investigation, Sgt. Shawn Robert determined they were three large totes full of Amazon packages that were spread out several feet into the woods," the police said in a statement. "Police officers loaded the totes onto a pickup truck and brought them back to the Lakeville Police Department, where they inventoried about 80 packages.”

The driver later turned herself in, saying that she dumped the load because of the stress associated with the job.

Hey, I get that the job sucks, but if you’re going to quit your job, why don’t you do it the fun way?

Categories: Facepalm Fail

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