
This Person Literally Can’t Stop Orgasming

Trust me, it’s not as fun as it sounds.

This video shows a person with a condition called Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome (PGAS). After suffering from a slipped disc, Christine Decker, referred to in the video as Dale, began to orgasm uncontrollably. This carried on for two years, with Decker having around 100 orgasms a day. It, in turn, ruined relationships and really made things awkward at the local frisbee golf tournament.

Thankfully, there’s a happy update to this story. As you might have been able to tell from the name switch, Decker has since transitioned, and while no one knows why the condition started or how this fixed it, taking hormones as part of her transition has caused the orgasms to subside.

What a life, huh?

Categories: Wtf People & Lifestyle
Tags: wow funny ftw wtf

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