
'This One's 7-Up': (It's Apple Juice) Elderly Grandfather Miserably Fails Drink Taste Test

Blind taste identification tests have been a TikTok trend for a while, but they usually involve so called 'experts' attempting to differentiate similar light beers, or high end waters. For this sweet grandpa, things are a little easier as he is presented with Diet Coke, apple juice, cranberry juice, and root beer. But somehow, he still fails miserably.

Answering with "This one is 7-Up" and "I don't drink much pop" to apple and cranberry juice respectively, it is clear that he is having trouble differentiating the tastes. After correctly identifying that root beer is not water, he asks a concerning question: "Are they all the same?"

"My guy has no idea what anything tastes like," says one comment. "This man has only tried water," says another. One viewer theorizes that he could have Parkinson's, which can affect taste. No matter the reason, this adorable grandpa seems like he's in great spirits. "He's so precious!"

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