
'This Movie Sucks!': Guy Flips Off 'Evil Dead Rise' Panel at SXSW

Everyone's a critic.

Typically movie panels at events such as SXSW or Comic-Con are meant for fans of the film, and are supposed to be a fun occasion. That wasn't really the case when the cast of 'Evil Dead Rise' took the stage to talk about the latest installment of the horror franchise.

An unruly heckler made his opinion known by shouting at the panel, "This movie f*cking sucks!" The man then left his balcony box, and walked up into the crowd to making sure everyone knew how he felt by flipping off the panel.

Actor, Bruce Campbell was having none of it as he shouted back, "What are you doing here, get the f*ck out of here." To the heckler's credit, he allegedly did sit through the entire movie before making his assessment.

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