
This Krispy Kreme Location Gave Itself Over to the Bees, Became an Actual Nightmare

Dealing with bees is a part of life. If you’re selling a sweet thing like fruit or, in this case, donuts out in the open air, bees are going to congregate. I get that.

However, call me crazy, but as a business, you should probably do your best to prevent this from happening. Some people are deathly allergic to bees; others simply don’t want to eat a Boston cream if it’s spent the last hour as part of a bee colony — and that’s not even mentioning the employees who have to stick their hands in the case to hand the donuts over.

No matter how I feel about it, though, the “bee-friendly Krispy Kreme” is real.

I’ll take mine without a stinger, please!

Categories: Ouch Animals & Nature

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