
'This is Your One Chance': Cops Raid Underage College Bar and Everyone Clears Out

When the cops raid this underage college bar, they give everyone the chance to get out first. How nice of them. Except from the looks of it, that's every single person in the bar.

"If you're underage, get out of the bar now!" The cop yells. "This is your one chance!" One of the students mocks the cop by yelling his message back at him; likely not the best idea in a situation where the cop is itching to hand out some tickets. But the mass exodus from the bar reveals that the business might be in more trouble than any of the students. "The bartender starts cleaning because he knows it's closing time," one person comments. "Yeah that's real bad," someone else says. "That place will be a coffee shop by the end of the month."

Even before the raid, this looked like a sketchy business. As one person points out, "A bar using SOLO cups is your first sign they probably didn't have the liquor license to lose."

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