
This Is What It’s Like to Live in the World’s Largest Residential Building

This one building was home to around 20,000 people.

Have you ever wanted to live with tens of thousands of influencers? No? You’d rather die? Well, if that’s the case, then you’re gonna want to avoid this building in China.

The name of the place is the Regent International apartment building in Hangzhou, and at its peak, it housed around 18,000 to 20,000 people, though the capacity can allegedly get as high as 30,000. According to the Straits Times, this building was once incredibly popular with live streamers, as rent was cheap and the building itself was pretty close to e-commerce companies.

Now, people appear to be leaving, and occupancy is down to around 8,000  — apparently living with 20,000 neighbors isn’t very fun! 

Categories: Wow People & Lifestyle
Tags: wow cool ftw

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