
IKEA Wants You To Pee In Their New Baby Crib

IKEA is known for its easy and user friendly home appliances, but its marketing department deserves a prize for this golden idea.

Looking to have a baby? This ad for a crib doubles as a pregnancy test, and lowers the price if you're positive. All you have to do is pee on the ad, and find out. While it's funny to think about handing in a piece of paper you've just peed all over, the ad doesn't actually work like that. Originally part of the Swedish women's magazine Amelia, the ad contains a pregnancy test strip at the bottom of the page, and you don't have to hand in anything.

As with most ad campaigns there's a catch. In this case, even a positive test does nothing to slash the price of the crib if the mother is not a member of IKEA's loyalty program and family club. What a pisser.

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