
This Guy’s Reaction to a Dog Mowing a Lawn Is Somehow Funnier Than a Dog Mowing a Lawn

Houston can get pretty hot, be it tracks off the latest Beyonce album or the sunny weather. But as this post from the Instagram page thehoustonman shows, when it gets hot, it's time for the dog to mow the lawn. 

While on the phone, one man noticed that there was an unattended dog on a lawn mower outside of his window. While it was unclear how the lawn mower was moving on its own, the dog seemed mostly in control of the machinery. 

"He is looking at you like 'what you looking at,'" fablabstudio commented. 

But even funnier than the video itself was the man's reaction -- especially considering that the woman on the other end of the line sounded like she'd seen better days. 

"When you have your wife on the phone going through a mental breakdown, but there's a dog riding a lawn mower so priorities come first," rikki_sushaun joked. 

Fortunately, as the man kept stressing, he had the video. Hopefully, the clip was enough to cheer her up like it did the rest of us. 


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