
A Delivery Robot Will Now Bring Your Waffle Fries Directly to Your Door

Have you ever wanted Chick-fil-A, but felt a little bad ordering a taxi cab for a chicken sandwich? Now, you can kiss those feelings of guilt goodbye thanks to a new innovation from the company: delivery robots.

While the company announced the project back in 2022, it only appears to have been rolled out on a wide scale in recent months. According to the company’s website, the “autonomous delivery robots are equipped with artificial intelligence systems and advanced depth-perception cameras, which allow them to navigate traffic patterns, pedestrians and even maneuver through car and bike lanes, busy malls and on sidewalks.”

Given that some other “autonomous” delivery robots ended up being driven by dudes in Colombia, I’m not sure I believe it, but if you want some waffle fries sent straight to your door, this is the development for you.

Tags: robots wow food

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