
These Glasses Will Show You What It's Like to Be Blind

The O&M Instructor Mike Mulligan uses his TikTok channel to help educate people on the blind, and their needs. ("Orientation and mobility (O&M) specialists teach individuals with visual impairments to travel safely, confidently and independently in their environment.")

In this video, Mike shows us what people with different visual impairments actually see, by using glasses with altered lenses. He emphasizes that blind people typically do not see pitch black like many people think they do, but instead see on various spectrums unique to their disability and its severity. Mike also reminds us that there is a lot of discrepancy, even between people with the same condition.

Mike also has videos detailing how the visually impaired differentiate money, avoid obstacles, write legibly, tell color, and more. He also describes different equipment that they use, like cane tips, and newer electronic assists.

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