
These ‘3 Dads and a Super Nanny’ Are Deeply Unsettling

These kids have three dads and a nanny — and I have about a million questions.

This account, simply titled Our Three Dads, documents the lives of three “ex-husbands” as, per their Instagram description, they “become unlikely co-parents, twins gain a new dad, & modern love proves hilariously relatable!” Also, there’s a “super nanny” there — not sure why you need a super nanny when you have three perfectly capable dads, but I digress.

There’s just something about this video, and this account in general, that doesn’t sit right with me. The man’s oddly specific beard, the group’s refusal to elaborate on the various oddities that present themselves in the clip, and look, I’m sorry to go back to the super nanny, but do you really need a “super nanny” for two very normal looking kids? What am I not getting here? Watch the video and see for yourself.

Categories: Wow

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