
The Undertaker Talks 'Hell In a Cell' vs. Mankind

"In my eyes, I'm looking down at a dead guy."

That's legendary wrestler, The Undertaker on what he witnessed on the night of June, 28th 1998 at the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh, PA. And it wasn't a pretty sight. The Undertaker was a recent guest on the podcast 'Hotboxin' with Mike Tyson' and he talked about the Hell in a Cell match - arguably the greatest wrestling match in the history of the sport.

Mick Foley (Mankind) was worried that the match wouldn't live up to the hype of The Undertaker's first cell match against Shawn Michaels. So they pulled out all the stops. From The Undertaker throwing Mick off of the cell into a table, to Mick falling through the ceiling and having his incisor jammed up through his nose. "That wasn't supposed to happen", remarked the wrestler as the men rewatched Mick falling through the chainlink covering to the ring below. So for anyone who thinks wrestling is just fake and there's no risk...

Mick Foley separated his shoulder, had a concussion, broke his hip, and absolutely busted his face.

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