
The Underground World of Mafia-run Pizzerias in New York City

Pizza has been a go-to dish for fans of the food since as far back as the 18th century. Flatbreads with toppings and sauces on them date as far back as 997 A.D. Just like any other successful food, there are hundreds of different styles, types, toppings, and of course, recipes. In this Vice documentary, we explore the world of Pizza in New York, and more specifically its ties to organized crime and the Italian Mafia. From stolen recipes and styles to extortion and violence Pizza in America has had quite the storied history.

One such notable example is Brooklyn's L&B Spumoni Gardens & Pizzeria. The Pizzeria quickly became a successful family business, but when the family's secret recipe was stolen by a competitor, the mafia got involved and did what it does best... serving up some good old fashion street justice. Whether you're a fan of classic NY-style pizza or prefer deep dish Chicago style, you may never look at pizza the same way again after this.

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